Благодійний фонд «Інститут раннього втручання» (Харків, Україна) та компанія SOFT tulip (Нідерланди)
презентують досвід раннього втручання в дитинство під час війни, яка розпочалася в Україні 24 лютого 2022 року.
The official launch of the short movie "The Importance of ECI in Ukraine in times of war" (10 minutes) in three languages is there! Together with the Інститут раннього втручання and with financial support from Wilde Ganzen, SOFT tulip and Paul Meijer produced a short film about Early Childhood Intervention in Ukraine, during times of war. Central is the story of three staff members of the Charitable Foundation Early Intervention Institute of Kharkiv: Anna Kukuruza, Олександра Хворостенко, and Lena Blynuik. What they experienced and how they continue providing ECI services, even being refugees themselves. A story that should be known and clearly shows the Ukrainian people's resilience and the importance of ECI, especially during the war.
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Het belang van Early Childhood Intervention in Oekraïene, tijdens de oorlog (Nederlands)
The Importance of ECI in Ukraine in times of war (English)